Yesterday morning after swim team practice the boys and I headed up to Yorktown. We met Amy and her gang and Julia and hers. Our goal was to climb Turkey Mountain. Along the way I had hoped to introduce the group to letterboxing. I had printed off several sets of clues before hand and was very excited to do our first letterboxing of the season. Unfortunately, due to either my lack of clue reading skills or the fact that people are out to spoil our fun, we could not locate any of the boxes. This did not damped the spirits of the children though and despite the heat they made it to the top in record breaking time.
We were all rewarded with fantastic views of Croton Dam and the surrounding area. We had a very enjoyable picnic under the shade of a tree on top of the mountain, which helped us all to rejuvenate in preparation for our decent.
Cannot wait to visit in the fall, as I am sure the colors are spectacular.
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